Combined Western Forest Nursery Association and the Forest Nursery Association of British Columbia
View other events from 1994
Container Optimization--Field Data Support Container Innovation
- Author(s): David A. Bainbridge
Steam Sterilization of Growing Media
- Author(s): John W. Bartok, Jr.
Selecting and Calibrating Low-volume Sprayers
- Author(s): John W. Bartok, Jr.
Long-term Stock Type Trial Results in B.C.: Did Stock Performance Meet Today
- Author(s): R. G. Scagel, Rob Bowden
Propagation of Juniperus for Conservation Planting
- Author(s): Bert M. Cregg, Clark Fleege, John Gleason, Scott Lee, Ted Hovland
Sprinkler Irrigation Management and Scheduling for Diverse Container-Grown Plants
- Author(s): Richard Regan
Machine Vision Inspection System for Packing House Quality Control
- Author(s): Michael P. Rigney, Glenn A. Kranzler
Use of Container Stock in Mine Revegetation
- Author(s): Jane Rodgers
Nursery Growing Density and Container Volume Affect Nursery and Field Growth of Douglas-fir and Lodgepole Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): David G. Simpson
Nursery Regimes Affect Seedling Size and Outplanting Performance of 1+0 Ponderosa Pine
- Author(s): J. Sloan
Grading Specifications of Ponderosa Pine Seedlings at Lucky Peak Nursery
- Author(s): J. Sloan
Impact of Aphid Damage in a Bareroot Nursery and Seed Source on Survival and Growth of Outplanted White Fir Seedlings in the Sierra Nevada
- Author(s): John D. Stein
Five Year Field Performance of Short Day Nursery Treated Engelmann Spruce Seedlings in the Nelson Forest Region of British Columbia
- Author(s): Christopher D. B. Hawkins, Christopher F. Thompson, Tracy L. Story
The Operational Seedling Testing Program at Weyerhaeuser
- Author(s): Y. Tanaka, P. Brotherton, S. Hostetter, S. Dyce, D. Chapman, J. Belanger, B. Johnson, S. Duke
The Effects of Keithia Blight on Outplanting Performance of Western Redcedar Container Seedlings at Two Reforestation Sites in British Columbia--Preliminary Results
- Author(s): David Trotter, Gwen Shrimpton, Harry Kope
Developing Container Conifer Seedling Specifications... A Balanced Approach?
- Author(s): Eric van Steenis
Microcomputer Order Processing and Inventory Control
- Author(s): David L. Wenny, Linda Geer
Improving Conifer Seedling Quality with CONFER
- Author(s): D. Bradley Smith, Eric Lloyd, Greg O'Neill
Conserving Threatened Rare Plants: Some Nursery Strategies
- Author(s): Annette D. Leege-Brusven, David L. Wenny, Douglass M. Henderson, John L. Edson, Richard L. Everett
Abscisic Acid Analogs Reduce Planting Stress in Newly Planted Seedlings
- Author(s): Raymund S. Folk, Steven C. Grossnickle
Short Day Nursery Treatment Promotes Photosynthesis in Interior Spruce Seedlings: Summary of Poster
- Author(s): Christopher D. B. Hawkins, M. J. Krasowski, R. Y. N. Eng
Effects of Contrasting Fertilizer Regimes on Greenhouse Growth and Outplant Performance of Containerized Jack Pine
- Author(s): B. Nicks, G. S. Henderson, W. Smith
Cleaning Hardwood and Shrub Seed
- Author(s): Robert P. Karrfalt
Can Foliage Water Content Measurements Replace Freezer Tests in Determining a Safe Lifting Time For Frozen Storage of Conifer Seedlings?
- Author(s): A. Caputa, Christopher D. B. Hawkins, M. J. Krasowski
Protocols for Mass Micropropagation of Antelope and Desert Bitterbrush
- Author(s): Annette D. Leege-Brusven, David L. Wenny, John L. Edson, Min Hironaka
Summer Plant Culling Criteria of Interior Spruce: Keeping the Bad and Throwing the Good?
Use of Frost Fabric as a Seedbed Mulch and Frost Protection Method
- Author(s): Randy D. Moench
Influence of Soil Fumigation and Fungicide Application on Outplanted Ponderosa Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): A. E. Harvey, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese