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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1994 Short Day Nursery Treatment Promotes Photosynthesis in Interior Spruce Seedlings: Summary of Poster

Short Day Nursery Treatment Promotes Photosynthesis in Interior Spruce Seedlings: Summary of Poster

The ideal nursery cultural treatment would promote seedling photosynthesis (Ps) and decrease respiration (Rd). Realistically, a treatment promoting Ps and not affecting Rd would be most acceptable. The next best scenario would be for a cultural treatment that did not affect either process.

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Author(s): Christopher D.B. Hawkins, R. Y. N. Eng, Marek J. Krasowski

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1994

Event: Combined Western Forest Nursery Association and the Forest Nursery Association of British Columbia
1994 - Moscow, ID