Tree Planters' Notes Volume 64, Number 2 (2021)

Tree Planters' Notes Volume 64, Number 2
Effects of Lift Date and Seed Lot on Field Performance of Containerized Douglas-fir Seedlings
Jack Pine: Guidance for Seed Transfer Within the Eastern United States
Planting Sitka Spruce and Western Redcedar in the Same Hole to Mitigate Browsing Damage
White Spruce: Guidance for Seed Transfer Within the Eastern United States
Propagation of ‘Iliahi (Santalum paniculatum Hook. & Arn.), a Valuable Endemic Hawaiian Sandalwood Species
Salinity and Flooding Affect Mortality of Atlantic White-Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) Seedlings
Fall Planting in Northern Forests as a Reforestation Option: Rewards, Risks, and Biological Considerations
A Primer on Plant Hydraulic Physiology for Nursery Professionals
Effects of Basal Stem Shading on Field Performance of Bareroot and Container Douglas-fir Seedlings
Iron Fertilization in Bareroot Nursery Seedbeds
Forest Nursery Seedling Production in the United States—Fiscal Year 2020
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated With Rhizosphere of Casuarina in Morocco