Effects of Basal Stem Shading on Field Performance of Bareroot and Container Douglas-fir Seedlings
Reforestation on hot, dry sites can be challenging. One technique to protect seedlings from heat damage is to install shade around the basal stem. This study examined field performance of bareroot and container seedlings planted on north- and south-facing aspects in southwestern Oregon with and without basal stem shading using inverted peat cups. After two seasons, seedlings planted on the north-facing plot had greater survival and lower diameter growth than those on the south-facing plot and container seedlings had more growth and higher survival than bareroot seedlings. The shade treatment did not significantly effect growth or survival. During both seasons, temperature was above normal and precipitation was below normal.
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Author(s): Chad Vetter, Diane L. Haase
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 64, Number 2 (2021)
Volume: 64
Number: 2