Southern and Northeastern Forest Nursery Association Conference
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Bareroot Seedling Culture Without Fumigation: Experience at Armintrout
- Author(s): David Armintrout
Nurseries and the Worker Protection Standard -- A Discussion
- Author(s): J. D. Artman
Basamid Use and Results in the Hayward State Nursery
- Author(s): John E. Borkenhagen
Chemical Alternatives to Methyl Bromide
- Author(s): William A. Carey
Weed Control in Southern Hardwood Nurseries
- Author(s): David B. South
Hardwood Production Techniques at Midwestern Nurseries
- Author(s): Albert F. Stauder, III
Permethrin Nursery Spray Protects Pine Seedlings Against Regeneration Weevils
- Author(s): T. C. Tigner
Soil Fertility and Management for Culturing Hardwood Seedlings
- Author(s): Charles B. Davey
Undercutting in Loblolly and White Pine Seedbeds
- Author(s): Thomas A. Dierauf
Organic Soil Amendments as Potential Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for Control of Soilborne Pathogens in Forest Tree Nurseries
- Author(s): D. J. Mitchell, Edward L. Barnard, M. E. Kannwischer-Mitchell, S. W. Fraedrich
Reforestation Trends in the Eastern United States
- Author(s): Clark W. Lantz
The Use of the IDS-Treatment on Southern Pine Seeds and its Effect on Seed Cost and Efficiency in the Seed Bed
- Author(s): J. B. McRae, U. Bergsten, S. Lycksell
Undercutting in Loblolly Pine
- Author(s): Jim Rakestraw, George Lowerts