Applications of Best Linear Prediction to the Analysis of Five Full-Sib Loblolly Pine Progeny Tests
Two applications of Best Linear Prediction (BLP) were demonstrated and compared. One method obtains variance and covariance components (homogeneous second moments) from a combined ANOVA based on theory and expected values to predict breeding values for all parents in all environments in a breeding zone. The other method combines variances of family means from separate ANOVAS from each test with family mean correlations between tests to obtain heterogeneous second moments. When there are large environmental differences and genotype x environment interactions such that there are distinct breeding zones, the second method may be used to predict the breeding values of those parents best suited for specific target environments.
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Author(s): Timothy LaFarge
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1989
Section: Concurrent Session 2B