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Ratio of Rough Cones to Clean Seed

In Volume 41 (1943) of the Journal of Forestry, Hamilton reported on five year TVA records of clean seed yield. The following table shows similar records for the 1940-52 period on four species of pine. The previous period's averages are shown with those of this period for comparison. In each case, yields for the latest period are higher than the 1935-39 averages. Increases are striking in loblolly, white and Virginia; in shortleaf the increase is negligible. As Hamilton pointed out, CCC camps collected all seed during the 193539 period. He concluded that various CCC regulatory factors, such as travel limitations and safety regulations, were responsible for clean seed ratios being lower than those given in most texts. Since private collectors procured the bulk of our 1940-52 seed, the increased clean seed ratios give additional validity to Hamilton's conclusion.

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Author(s): Charles L. Gouffon, Toivo V. Lehto

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 17 (1954)