Tree Planters' Notes Volume 41, Number 1 (1990)

Volume 41 No. 1 Full Issue
A Quality-Control System for Improving Conifer Nursery Stock
Container Hybrid Pines Survive on a Harsh Dam Site
Epigeous Ectomycorrhizal Fungi of Oaks and Pines in Forests and on Surface Mines of Western Maryland
Pregermination Treatment and Stratification of Silverberry Seed
New Techniques for Tree Shaking in Older Seed Orchards
Comparison of Disease Management Strategies for Control of Soil-Borne Pathogens in a Forest Tree Nursery
Effects of Five Antitranspirants on White Spruce and White Pine Seedlings Subjected to Greenhouse Drought
Dicloran Fungicide Causes Stem Injury to Container Spruce Seedlings