New Seedling Packing Material Available
The Cloquet Forest Tree Nursery, The Northwest Paper Company, Cloquet, Minn., has been experimentally using a new type of packing material. From our results, the Wood Conversion Company, St. Paul, Minn., decided recently to add "Seedling Pak" to its long list of commercial packing materials. Seedling Pak is a white felt blanket of wood fibres about 3/8 inch thick. It is available both in rolls and sheets, cut to size. Its use is similar to placing a layer of sphagnum or shingletow around the seedlings. The Cloquet Forest Tree Nursery uses two types of seedling packages: (1) small burlapwrapped, string-tied packages holding 25 transplants (fig. 1) and (2) standard-size, wirebound bales weighing about 80 pounds and containing about 1,000 seedlings. In packing the larger bales, rolls of 25-inch-wide Seedling Pak are used (fig. 2). One layer of dry blanket is placed on the inside of the paper wrapper and completely surrounds the seedlings. To supplement this outer blanket, two or three 18- inch square sheets are interspersed in the interior of the bale to hold additional moisture. When the bale is completed, it is submerged in water to allow the felt to become saturated.
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Author(s): E. J. Jankowski
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 79 (1966)