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U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Towner Hydraulic Ladder

Anyone assigned the task of picking tree seed from standing trees must decide whether to climb the trees or acquire equipment to elevate the picker into the tree crowns. Climbing demands skill, courage, and agility. Such attributes are seldom combined with the patience to methodically pick seed. Elevating equipment is usually expensive and often lacks maneuverability. Nearly every nursery has a small tractor equipped with a three-point hitch and front end loader. Figures 1 and 2 show a hydraulic ladder that costs very little to construct and is exceedingly maneuverable. The metal extension ladder can be purchased in any hardware store, as can the pipes and strap iron necessary for the prefabrication of the front and rear apparatuses (fig. 3). The unit is a prototype that definitely can be refined.

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Author(s): John Alpar

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 59 (1963)