Southeastern Nurserymen's Conference Proceedings
View other events from 1972
Eastern Session
Cone and Seed Collections From Seed Orchards
- Author(s): R. C. Kellison
Progress Report On Cooperative Weed Control Project- Eastern Area
- Author(s): Mason C. Carter, T. Robert Dill
Life History Plots and Inventories
- Author(s): Earl W. Belcher
Mechanical Harvesting- A Case History
- Author(s): Sidney H. Hanks
Mechanical Seedling Lifter
- Author(s): Oscar R. Sampson
Mechanization- Cost
- Author(s): James C. Wynens
From Seed to Seedling
- Author(s): David D. Brown
Producing the Most Plantable Seedlings Per Pound of Seed
- Author(s): John G. Hamner
Planting the Right Seed
- Author(s): Robert G. Hitt
Nursery Stock Grading & Packing of Southern Pine- The Weighing Method Versus Actual Seedling Counting
- Author(s): Carl A. Muller
Loblolly Seed Collection Project
- Author(s): Terrell Brooks
Hardwood Vegetative Propagation
- Author(s): Walter E. Smith
What the Forest Owner is Looking For in a Plantable Seedling
- Author(s): Claude H. O'Gwynn
Fungus Pathogens in Forest Nurseries
- Author(s): S. J. Rowan
Use of Pesticides in Forest Nurseries- Where Do We Stand
- Author(s): John L. Rauschenberger
Getting The Most Seedlings From A Pound of Seed
- Author(s): Howard Stanley
Outlook for Seedling Demand
- Author(s): LeRoy Jones
Grayco Seedling Harvester
- Author(s): Howard R. Hartmann
A Packing System
- Author(s): G. W. King
Nursery Soil Management
- Author(s): Charles B. Davey
The Importance of Mycorrphizae in Forest Nurseries
- Author(s): Dr. Donald H. Marx, Dr. Donald H. Marx
What is the Latest in Cone and Seed Handling Equipment and Techniques
- Author(s): William J. Isaacs