Life History Plots and Inventories
Inventories can be very expensive operations in the forest nursery system but they need not be so for large southern nurseries. No where else in the United States is nursery management so intensive. Seed lots are large. Carefully mechanized planting of these large, well mixed lots provides for uniform sowing which in turn minimizes variation. The smaller the variables - the fewer the counts needed for a given accuracy. This is where history plots enter the picture. Random plots selected before planting avoid human bias later and if followed closely through the year provide greater knowledge for intensive nursery management. But of greater interest is the possibility of using these plots for inventory purposes. For accurate use, there are a number of precautions which must be taken. They are the basis of this discussion.
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Author(s): Earl W. Belcher, Jr.
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1972
Southeastern Nurserymen's Conference Proceedings
1972 - Wilmington, NC