1995 Winter Forest Nursery Notes
Contents Nursery Meetings and Workshops National Nursery Issues Methyl Bromide Fumigation &#;Update Ecological Alternatives Recycling Nursery Plastics Contemplating Composts? Integrated Pest Management Rediscovering Heat Treatments Collembolas For Biocontrol? Cultural Perspectives Treating Irrigation Water What is a Soil Management Plan, and why would you want one? Special Publications Ordering Information Products and Services A New Post emergence, Nonselective Herbicide Root Pruning Chemical Growing Media with Coconut Fiber Computer and assisted Transplanting Health and Safety Back Belts May Not Protect While Lifting New Nursery Literature Bareroot Production Business Management Container Production Diverse Species Fertilization and Nutrition General and Miscellaneous Genetics and Tree Improvement Mycorrhizae and Beneficial Microorganisms Nursery Structures and Equipment Outplanting Performance Pest Management Pesticides Seedling Harvesting and Storage Seedling Physiology and Morphology Seeds Soil Management and Growing Media Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry Vegetative Propagation and Tissue Culture Water Management and Irrigation Weed Control Horticultural Humor Literature Order Form
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Publication: Forest Nursery Notes - 1995 Winter