Detection Of Qtls For Economically Important Traits In Loblolly Pine
Understanding the genetic basis of economic traits in forest trees has been a goal of tree breeders and forest geneticists. Genomic mapping using molecular markers is a powerful new tool that extends conventional quantitative approaches to genetic analysis. Phenotypic variation in height, volume, disease resistance, lignin etc. can be associated with segregating genetic markers if these traits are under the control of one or a few major genes (quantitative trait loci, QTLs). Our studies are directed toward detection of QTLs inherited from the common seed parent in a large half-sib family. The effects of these QTLs are representative of average effects across the population and thus can be interpreted as components of breeding value.
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Author(s): Barbara S. Crane, David M. O'Malley, Steven E. McKeand, Ronald R. Sederoff
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1995