Analysis Of Growth, Form And Branching Traits In An F2 Population Of The Pinus Elliottii X Pinus Caribaea Interspecific Hybrid Using Rapd Markers
The developmental biology of the haploid conifer megagametophyte has been exploited using dominant RAPD markers to construct a reference genetic map for an individual Pinus elliottii x Pinus caribaea Fl hybrid tree forming part of a three generation pedigree. This map incorporates 186 markers across 17 linkage groups. At 1595cM, the map is estimated to cover 80% of the genome at an average marker density of 8.6cM. Using this reference genetic map with phase known, genotype information obtained using dominant RAPD markers in the F2 population was successfully used to determine full genotype classification. This genotype information was used to map QTL for five growth and form traits and seven branching traits in six year old trees.
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Author(s): Glenn T. Dale, R. D. Teasdale
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1995