Detection of a height growth locus in an F2 mapping population of Prunus persica
An F2 mapping population was generated by selfpollinating the Prunus persica clone 'Georgia Belle'. The F2 population generated was segregating for several morphological traits and the isozyme malate dehydrogenase (Mdh1). Linkage between the Mdh1 locus and a locus controlling height growth was detected. Homozygous Mdh1-2 trees were significantly taller than Mdh1-1 homozygotes after one year of growth. Fine structure mapping around the Mdh1 and height growth loci will be performed using the bulked segregant analysis technique and RAPD markers.
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Author(s): J. X. Chaparro, D. J. Werner, Ronald R. Sederoff
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1993
Section: Poster Session