Challenges for insect pest management in forest tree seed orchards
In the 1970's and 1980's researchers developed insect control methods that were quickly implemented by pest management specialists and orchard managers. As a result, seed yields exceed expectations. The 1990's bring new challenges for seed orchard pest management. New challenges include (1) insuring that insecticides are available for use in seed orchards, (2) reducing insecticide loads in orchards, (3) improving efficiency of control tactics, (4) addressing changing orchard management goals, (5) considering insect pests in orchard site selection, (6) gaining a better understanding of interactions among arthropod species in the seed orchard canopy, and (7) developing noninsecticidal tactics and strategies for controlling insects. Ways of addressing these challenges are discussed.
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Author(s): Gary L. DeBarr
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1993
Section: Closing Session