Limitations of Pollen Management Strategies for Southern Pine Seed Orchards
In breeding orchards, mating types and proportions are often managed by controlled pollination. That is, protecting the female strobili from unwanted pollen and then introducing a pollen source that has been selected for the specific mating. In both orchard types it may be desirable to augment standard pollen management practices with supplemental mass pollination (SMP) if unprotected strobili are being pollinated. Selected pollen may be mist blown throughout the orchard or applied directly to the strobilus. With all pollen management systems in all orchard types the goal is to focus the pollination process on specific desired matings. Goals represent ideal situations. If all aspects of orchard management are exact and predictable, the goals will be met. However, as in any natural system, all practices are rarely exact and often unpredictable.
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Author(s): George R. Askew
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1989
Section: General Session: Seed Orchard Management