Incorporation of Biotechnology into Tree Improvement Programs
This paper examines the techniques collectively referred to as biotechnology, the breeding strategies used by the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program (WGFTIP) and various ways of incorporating the new techniques into the overall program. The main techniques of interests are new methods of vegetative propagation, gene transfer and expression, regeneration of viable plants from transformed tissue and the use of restriction fragment polymorphism (RFLP's). The main breeding strategies of interest are sublining of breeding populations and step-wise screening procedures. The incorporation of most techniques is rather straightforward and driven both by the availability of the necessary technology and economics. The issue of population improvement is more complex. Some of the issues that need to be resolved are discussed, although the best strategy is not obvious at this time.
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Author(s): J. P. van Buijtenen, William J. Lowe
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1989
Section: General Session: Advanced Generation Breeding Strategy