Genetic Improvement of Eucalyptus grandis for Southern Florida
Genetic gain potentials for a 5th-generation seedling seed orchard were 27 and 17% for 15-month height and survival, respectively. Larger gains may be expected from clonal selection and testing, and 232 clones now under test may have sufficient freeze resilience. Several clones averaged over 6 m tall in 1.25 years on a well-prepared site; three clones performed superbly in two tests. Laboratory freeze screening at -5°C rated clones similar to field results. Early plantlet development was like that of seedlings, and rooted cuttings and plantlets grew well in the field. Large numbers of rooted cuttings can be produced from selected clones, and direct micropropagation of certain clones has been accomplished commercially. Keywords: Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maid., seedling seed orchard, clonal forestry, freeze resilience.
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Author(s): Donald L. Rockwood
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1989
Section: General Session: Tree Improvement Programs