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Home Publications Tree Improvement and Genetics Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference 17th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (1983) Geographic Variability In Growth Of Ten-year-old Green Ash Families Within East Texas

Geographic Variability In Growth Of Ten-year-old Green Ash Families Within East Texas

Open-pollinated progeny from 58 green ash selections in East Texas representing 15 counties were planted at three locations within East Texas. Seedlings representing five geographic areas in East Texas were planted in two locations, Northeast Texas and Southeast Texas. Survival was excellent across the five plantations, ranging from 95 to 98 percent with an average of 97 percent. Average volume estimates ranged from 6.6 dm3 per tree to 17.5 dm3 per tree across the plantings and averaged 10.0 dm 3 per tree. There were no significant differences for the variables measured due to the geographic area of seed collection within East Texas. The planting location effect was highly significant for height, diameter, and volume. The planting location by family interaction was significant only for survival and volume. Heritability estimates ranged from h 2 = .51 for volume to h 2 = .66 for height and diameter. Volume per tree can be increased about 1.40 dm3 by selecting the ten best families in the combined analysis. Additional keywords: Fraxinus pennsylvanica, progeny tests, heritability.

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Author(s): Albert F. Stauder, III, William J. Lowe

Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1983