Genetic Aspects of Nursery Management for Sweetgum Seedling Uniformity
Several experiments were designed to evaluate various genetic and environmental aspects of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) seedling production. Open-pollinated seed lots of 12 clones were sorted into three density classes. Family and seed density class affected early seedling height but became unimportant by mid-summer. Removal of a particular density class from a bulked seed lot altered the genetic composition of the lot. Year of collection also affected growth and uniformity of the seedling crops. Experimentation further revealed that (1) sweetgum seedlings require elemental soil phosphorus levels greater than 50 kg/ha in sandy soils, (2) amendments of soluble phosphates or mycorrhizal inocula to fumigated nursery soils have greatest impact early in the growing season, (3) mycorrhizal inoculation is not a substitute for good soil fertility, (4) family-by mycorrhiza interaction is non-significant, and (5) elemental phosphorus levels as high as 130 kg/ha do not inhibit mycorrhizal development. Additional keywords: seed sizing, mycorrhizae, Liquidambar styraciflua L., seedling growth.
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Author(s): J. L. Paschke, G. Randy Johnson, Jr., W. E. Gardner
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1981
Section: Concurrent Technical Workshop