Comparison of Some Alternative Second-Generation Breeding Plans for Slash Pine
In the breeding program at Olustee, Florida, a disconnected half-diallel mating scheme, with 6 parents per diallel, was chosen in preference to other mating schemes for establishing a second-generation base population. Genetic gains under this scheme are expected to be appreciably greater than schemes involving fewer crosses and will also provide reliable combining ability data for the original parents. In selecting offspring for clonal orchards, relatives will be permitted to a limited extent. Allowing the use of relatives to a moderate degree permits greater emphasis on family versus within family selection and the resulting gain exceeds losses expected from the mild inbreeding. Although a clonal orchard will give greater genetic gain than a seedling seed orchard, the gains will come sooner from the latter. Hence, conversion of a portion of the base population into a seedling seed orchard will also be considered.
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Author(s): A. E. Squillace
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1973