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Home Publications Tree Improvement and Genetics Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference 11th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (1971) Trunk Implants of Systemic Insecticides in Seed Orchard Slash Pine Trees for Control of the Coneworm

Trunk Implants of Systemic Insecticides in Seed Orchard Slash Pine Trees for Control of the Coneworm

Trunk implants of systemics have largely been used to control insects that attack conifers. Johnson and Rediske(1965) used Bidrin and Meta-Systox-R in trunk implants to control Douglas-Fir cone and seed insects. In a trunk implant test using Bidrin at the rate of 3.4 and 1.5 grams of active ingredient per inch of dbh Merkel (1969) found the rate of Dioryctria sp. infestation of 2nd-year slash pine cones was 5.0% and 3.0% respectively, as compared to an untreated control rate of 18.0%. In a similar test, Merkel (1970) reported that trunk implants of Bidrin and Meta-Systox-R effectively controlled Dioryctria infestations in slash pine cones.

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Author(s): Henry W. Ray, William W. Neel

Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1971