A Comparison of a Range Wide Study of Sweetgum Planted on Three Diverse Sites
Thirty-three sources with four mother trees per source were planted at three separate sites. On a forest site we found that those sources from the northern extent of the species range were tallest after one growing season. The southern sources had the greatest annual growth but suffered severely from winter dieback. Therefore, net growth was less for the southern sources than the northern sources. At the other two sites, one a reclaimed strip mine and the other a reclaimed deep mine waste pile, the northern sources were found to have superior survival. The southern sources had the greatest annual growth but had the shortest fall height.
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Author(s): J. S. Prowant, Franklin C. Cech, Roy N. Keys, Walter H. Davidson
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1982
Section: Session 1