24 Year Results of a Norway Spruce Seed Source Test in New York State, Maynard
Height, diameter, and survival measurements were recorded after 24 years in a Norway spruce (Picea abies ) seed source study. Seven seedlots were tested in New York State on 3 dramatically different sites with 4 replications per site. To eliminate edge effects, a central 6 tree by 6 tree subplot within each 90 to 100 tree plot was measured. Three seed sources were from New York State and have undergone one or more generations of natural selection. Collectively these sources were taller and produced greater volume growth than the European seed sources. The highly significant interaction between seedlots and location for volume production indicates that it will be necessary to subdivide New York State into two Norway spruce planting zones: Central and Southern zone and a Northern Adirondack zone.
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Author(s): Charles A. Maynard
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1982
Section: Session 1