Birch Plantings on Mine Spoils in Pennsylvania
Seven species of birches from 10 seed sources were evaluated for survival and growth rates on coal mine spoils in Pennsylvania. The seedlings were planted on eight very acidic strip-mine spoil areas, pH 3.0 to 3.8, one acidic strip-mine area, pH 3.3. After 3 years, survival was rated satisfactory to good on all the spoil areas. Birches from three sources did not survive satisfactorily on the deep-mine refuse. Height evaluations were biased by damage caused by browsing deer. Nevertheless, a few seedlings attained heights of 200 cm or more. Paper birch from a northeastern seed source is recommended for reclamation plantings in Pennsylvania.
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Author(s): Walter H. Davidson
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1976