Genetic Study of Wood Specific Gravity in Slash Pine
Wood samples and measurements from 9-year-old open-pollinated progenies of 18 slash pine families were analyzed to determine specific gravity. Average performance was 0.45 in specific gravity, 5.1" in d.b.h., 39.4' in height. Heritability estimates were 0,68+ .2, 0.31+ .1 and 0.47+ .2 for specific gravity, d.b.h. and height. Genetic correlations between specific gravity and d.b.h. specific gravity and height, and d.b.h. and height were -0.12+ .27, 0.20+ .27 and 0.91+ .06, respectively. Family means and ranks from random samples of one, two and three trees per plot were compared with determination for all trees in all plots. Rank correlation tests showed one tree per plot was acceptable but three trees per plot gave family rank determination.
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Author(s): S. I. Sohn, Ray E. Goddard
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1974