Diversity Among Progenies of Selected Phenotypes of Yellow Birch
Five years after planting on the Maryland coastal plain, ten progenies of Betula alleghaniensis , grown from seed of selected open-pollinated trees in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, ranged from 6.9 to 10.2 feet in height and from 52% to 92% in survival. At eight years, 42% to 81% of the stems had one or more forks, and 7% to 53%, two or more forks. In all above characteristics, the progeny from Grafton County, New Hampshire, was most outstanding. The percentage of trees with two or more forks per stem was inversely correlated to the elevation of the seed source (r = -.63). The advance of flushing leaves in mid-April was also studied, but differences among individual populations were below the 0.05 level of significance.
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Author(s): John. B Genys
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - North Central Tree Improvement Conference - 1981