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Tree Seed Handling in New York

The Bureau of Nurseries of the New York State Conservation Department is obligated to produce from 36 to 60 million seedlings per year for planting within the State. To produce this many trees annually requires a total for all species of 4,000 to 7,000 pounds of seed. Tree seed is not a common commodity on the market, at least of the species and source desirable, so that procurement presents several problems. In New York State tree seed is 'obtained through direct purchase of seed from seed dealers and the collection or purchase of cones within the State. The cones are purchased directly from cone pickers at a bushel rate, or labor is hired to pick cones on an hourly basis. Seed source is important. A seed source that will adversely affect the survival of the trees in the nursery and growth of the trees in the plantations can cause a serious economic loss. Every effort is used to obtain information on the seed source, and this information is carried by means of lot numbers in the nursery and planting records.

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Author(s): E. J. Eliason

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 32 (1958)