Coating Seeds Using DayGlo Thermoplastic Pigments To Improve Sowing Distribution and Uniformity
The uniform sowing of tree seeds into containers is crucial to ensure that the desired number of seedlings is produced for each respective growing season. However, very small, dark-colored, or light-brown seeds can make uniform sowing challenging. For over 20 years, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources’ Webster Forest Nursery used tempera paints to remedy this issue, though the paints do not greatly increase the visibility of the seeds. A sowing trial using DayGlo brand A/AX thermoplastic pigments proved successful in increasing seed visibility. Additionally, nursery staff reported more uniform sowing and increased productivity when policing lot changes.
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Author(s): Jacob Witcraft, Lori Mackey, Nabil Khadduri
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 67, Number 2 (2024)
Volume: 67
Number: 2