Forest Nursery Seedling Production in the United States—Fiscal Year 2022
Forest nursery production for the 2022 planting season was more than 1.4 billion tree seedlings (including more than 18 million container seedlings imported from Canada). Approximately 70 percent of seedlings were produced as bareroot stock. Only a small portion (3 percent) of seedlings were hardwood species. Based on this total number of seedlings and estimated planting densities in each State, more than 2.7 million ac (1,127,348 ha) were planted. Approximately 82 percent of production and planting occurred in the Southern States, while 14 and 4 percent were planted in the Western and Eastern States, respectively. In 2022, number of tree seedlings planted increased in the Western and Southern States and decreased in the Eastern States compared with the previous year.
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Author(s): Carolyn C. Pike, Diane L. Haase, Scott Enebak, Annakay Abrahams, Elizabeth Bowersock, Lori Mackey, Zhao Ma, Jim Warren
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 66, Number 2 (2023)
Volume: 66
Number: 2