A Brief History of Diplodia sapinea on Red Pine in Minnesota’s State Forest Nurseries
Diplodia sapinea is a common fungal pathogen that has caused sporadic issues on red pine seedlings in Minnesota nurseries since the mid-1970s. Despite significant improvements in cultural controls made during the early 2000s, the Badoura State Forest Nursery in Akeley, MN, still experienced an unexpected resurgence of Diplodia problems in 2016 that resulted in the destruction of an entire field of 3–0 seedlings due to unacceptably high disease incidence. To address concerns about the possibility of additional Diplodia infections elsewhere in the nursery, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources forest health program and nursery staff have reinitiated annual testing and outplanted an experimental plot to monitor long-term mortality of potentially infected red pine seedlings. This paper was presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Northeast Forest and Conservation Association, the Southern Forest Nursery Association, and the Intertribal Nursery Council (Walker, MN, July 31–August 3, 2017).
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Author(s): Michael S. Parisio
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 61, Number 2 (2018)
Joint Annual Meeting of the Northeast Forest and Conservation Association, the Southern Forest Nursery Association, and the Intertribal Nursery Council
2017 - Walker, MN
Volume: 61
Number: 2