Stocktype Influences Western White Pine Seedling Size 6 Years After Outplanting
In container seedling nurseries, copper coating that promotes root pruning and varying container volumes are often used to manipulate seedling size in an effort to optimize outplanting success. Western white pine seedlings were grown with or without copper root pruning in two container sizes. Seedling height and root-collar diameter were significantly different at outplanting and after six growing seasons. Seedlings grown in larger containers (130 ml [8 in3 ]) outperformed their smaller (80 ml [5 in3 ]) counterparts, and copper root pruning resulted in approximately 10 percent more height and root-collar diameter growth. With relatively few studies investigating the longer-term performance of western white pine seedlings of different stocktypes, these results should aid in identifying appropriate seedlings for meeting outplanting objectives.
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Author(s): Donald J. Regan, Kent G. Apostol, Anthony S. Davis
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 58, Number 1 (2015)
Volume: 58
Number: 1