Comparing Seven Planting Tools for Container-Grown Longleaf Pine Seedlings
Haywood, J. D., Leduc. D. J., and Sung, S.-J. S. Tree Planters’ Notes 56(1):30-34. 2013 .
We compared seven tools for planting container-grown longleaf pine seedlings in fine sandy loam in Louisiana and in fine sand in Alabama. The tools were (1) JIM-GEM® KBC dibble bar, (2) JIM-GEM® OST Dibble Bar, (3) Terra Tech Styro 8 Dibble Stick, (4) container seedling tube dibble, (5) hoedad, (6) auger, and (7) shovel. Significant differences in variances between the two sites 15 months after planting negated comparing tools between sites. When tools were compared at individual sites, significant root collar diameter and shoot dry weight differences were reported in Louisiana and root distribution differences were reported in Alabama. Root mass, root/shoot ratio, and number of first-order lateral roots egressed from the root plug did not differ significantly among planting tools at either site.
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Author(s): James D. Haywood, Daniel J. Leduc, Shi-Jean Susana Sung
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 56, Number 1 (2013)
Volume: 56
Number: 1