The Use of Soil Additives and Root Dips on Noble Fir Christmas Trees
Landgren, C. Tree Planters' Notes 55(2):34-38. 2012.
Three soil additive treatments and two root dips were applied to noble fir (Abies procera Rehd.) seedlings planted at three commercial Christmas tree plantations in Oregon. Survival was unaffected by any root treatment tested, although mortality was remarkably low for all treatments because of a mild summer in the region. The Rootex™ dip treatment resulted in modest increases in leader growth and stem diameter after 1 year of growth. Mycorrhizae colonization was low and no differences among treatments were noted. Seasonal growth and lammas growth was greater on one of the sites relative to the other two, which may be attributed to the use of milk carton enclosures around each seedling to prevent rabbit damage. The significant leader growth apparently provided from the enclosure deserves additional cost-benefit evaluation.
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Author(s): Chal Landgren
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 55, Number 2 (2012)
Volume: 55
Number: 2