Forestry and Tree Planting in New York State
Verschoor, K. and Van Duyne, G. Tree Planters' Notes 55(2):4-13. 2012.
The New York State tree nursery system was founded in 1902, making it the oldest State-run tree nursery in the United States (Solan 2003). Throughout the decades, the New York State tree nursery has evolved to meet the changing needs of tree planting in New York State. From the first small nurseries in the Adirondacks, the nursery system grew to multiple nurseries across the State that provide trees to fulfill local planting needs. Since the first years of planting trees, when the State’s land was barely 20 percent forested, through the huge reforestation programs in the 1930s and to the rising demand for native species in the 21st century, the nursery has grown the trees that have helped transform the State. Today, nearly 63 percent of the State is forested (figure 1) (NYS DEC 2010). As the effects of climate change become increasingly apparent, however, the need for trees and shrubs for replacement and mitigation will undoubtedly grow.
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Author(s): Karin Verschoor, Gloria Van Duyne
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 55, Number 2 (2012)
Volume: 55
Number: 2