Jellyrolling May Reduce Media Use and Transportation Costs of Polybag-Grown Seedlings
Growing medium and transportation are major costs for polybag nursery systems. Both could be reduced if the medium could be removed for reuse, and the seedlings stored as bareroot seedlings before planting. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the “jellyroll" system on root growth potential (RGP), water status, and survival of Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. and P. ayacahuite var. veitchii Shaw, conifers native to central Mexico. Seedling root systems, grown in polybags, were removed from the media, soaked in hydrophilic polymer, and planted in a greenhouse study and field trial. Seedling survival decreased linearly with storage. Storage temperature had little effect on survival or RGP, and RGP was not correlated with survival or seedling water status. Needle pressure potential was highly correlated with survival. Jellyrolling also reduced the survival of seedlings outplanted in Mexico. Implications for polybag nurseries are discussed.
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Author(s): John G. Mexal, R. Phillips, Thomas D. Landis
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 47, Number 3 (1996)
Volume: 47
Number: 3