Tree Planters' Notes Volume 43, Number 4 (1992)

Volume 43 No. 4 Full Issue
The Rain Forest in Tropical America: Forest Dynamics, Reforestation, Seed Handling, and Problems of Management
El Bosque Lluviosa en America Tropical: Dinamica Forestal, Reforestacion, Manipulacion de la Semillas y Problemas de Manejo
Plantation Establishment Techniques in Tropical America
Tecnicas Para el Establecimiento de Plantaciones Forestales en la America Tropical
Seed Technology: A Challenge for Tropical Forestry
The ISSA System of Production of Container Tree Seedlings
Scarification of Limba Seeds With Hot Water, Bleach, and Acid
Nursery Morphology and Preliminary Comparison of 3-Year Field Performance of 1+0 and 2+0 Bareroot Ponderosa Pine Seedlings
Root Dipping of Seedlings With Water-Absorbent Gel Improves Survival on Surface Mine Sites in West Virginia