Chemical Treatments Increase First-Year Height Growth and Reduce Dieback in Cold-Stored Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) Seedlings
Chemical treatment of sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) seedlings before storage in refrigerated coolers produced significantly healthier seedlings. Seedlings were treated by dipping into Liqua Gel (a starch acrylate polymer that aids in moisture retention), Vapor Gard (an antitranspirant), and benomyl and propiconazol (systemic fungicides). Sixty-seven to eighty-five percent of seedlings treated chemically before cold storage showed no dieback 20 days after planting. Fifty-nine percent of untreated seedlings had dieback. Seedling height was significantly affected by chemical treatment. Tree Planters' Notes 38(1):26-30; 1986.
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Author(s): Eric A. Nelson, T. H. Filer
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 38, Number 1 (1987)
Volume: 38
Number: 1