Tree Planters' Notes Volume 33, Number 1 (1982)

Postemergence Control of Grasses With Selective Herbicides in Pine and Hardwood Seedbeds
The Effects of Artificial Shade on Seedling Survival on Western Cascade Harsh Sites
The Effects of Presoaking Longleaf Pine Seeds in Sterilants on Direct Seeding
The Effects on Growth of Transplanting Germinating Seeds into Containers
What Does It Cost to Grow Seedlings in Containers?
Influence of Method and Rate of Application of Bayleton on Fusiform Rust on Slash Pine Seedlings
Containerized and Nursery Production of Paulownia Tomentosa
Seed Source Variation in Induced Moisture Stress Germination of Ponderosa Pine
Selecting Pine Species for Flatwoods Sites
Evaluation of Growing Media for Culturing Containerized Red Pine and White Spruce