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Home Publications Tree Planters' Notes Tree Planters' Notes Volume 31, Number 2 (1980) Low Temperatures Optimum For Field Germination Of Northern Red Oak

Low Temperatures Optimum For Field Germination Of Northern Red Oak

Northern red oak is a highly preferred species in the hardwood mixtures common to the Lake States. However, it tends to regenerate sporadically over extended periods and then occurs as an occasional species in the mixture. The low representation has most often been attributed to predation of acorns by various agents and lack of favorable stand conditions during early growth. Initial work on optimum germination temperatures for the species, supported by preliminary data on surface soil temperatures and direct seeding trials, suggests that the low temperatures necessary for germination may not occur over a long enough period under field conditions to encourage abundant regeneration.

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Author(s): Richard M. Godman, Gilbert A. Mattson

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 31, Number 2 (1980)

Section: General

Volume: 31

Number: 2