Tree Planters' Notes Volume 30, Number 4 (1979)

Storing Spruce Pine Seeds
The Effect of Several Concentrations of Ethephon on Breaking Bud Dormancy in Black Walnut
The Effects of Seed and Seedling Size on Survival and Growth of Loblolly Pine
The Influence of Wex on Germination of Pine Seed
Time Between Application of Ferbam and Irrigation Important for Fusiform Rust Control
Germination of Paulownia Seeds After Stratification and Dry Storage
Is the Oscilloscope Technique Suitable for Predicting Survival of Planting Stock?
Kerb Reduces Stem Girdling by Meadow Voles
Maturity of Maple and Ash Seed
Recommendations for Calibrating Mechanical Seeders
Response of Virginia Pine Christmas Tree Plantation to Fertilization