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Home Publications Tree Planters' Notes Tree Planters' Notes Volume 26, Number 3 (1975) Planting Tests on the Shallow Soils of Eastern Ontario

Planting Tests on the Shallow Soils of Eastern Ontario

In 1959, 1960 and 1961, test plantings were made on the commonly called "shallow lands" of Eastern Ontario. These sites consist of siliceous sands, moderate to high lime loams, silt, and clay, and organic mixtures, from a few centimeters to 100 centimeters in depth, and overlying well-fissured limestone plains. These plains extend over 2,500 square miles, although some areas have much deeper glacial deposits, the eastern part known as the Smiths Falls Plain; the western part, the Napanee Plain.

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Author(s): R. E. Mullin, A. J. Campbell

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 26, Number 3 (1975)

Volume: 26

Number: 3