Tree Planters' Notes Volume 26, Number 1 (1975)

A comparison of three methods of black walnut plantation establishment
Collection date, cone-storage period affect southern pine seed yields, viability
Container production of western hemlock in British Columbia
Containerized nursery stock for park and roadside planting
Effects of variety and seed source on survival of Arizona cypress planted in South Carolina
Effects of variety and seed source on survival of Arizona cypress planted in South Carolina
Growth retardants control development of deciduous nursery stock
How containers affect tubed seedlings 5 years after planting
Increasing and upgrading nursery production of yellow poplar
Interplanting is futile in slash pine plantations
Survival of sand pine seedlings affected by time of lifting and bale-storage period
Pentachlorophenol and captan effects on containerized red and jack pine seedlings
Pine seeds withstand severe drying before, after germination: seedling drought tolerance may be reduced
Preparing planting sites with herbicides