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Home Publications Tree Planters' Notes Tree Planters' Notes Volume 25, Number 4 (1974) Fertilization of Tennessee Valley pines and hardwoods: response during the second 5 years after application

Fertilization of Tennessee Valley pines and hardwoods: response during the second 5 years after application

Previous work with fertilization of pines and mixed hardwoods in the Tennessee Valley has demonstrated that nitrogenous soil amendments stimulate growth for at least 4 to 5 years (1, 2. 3). Since reporting this, we have monitored the growth of several tests for an additional 4- to 5-year period after application; this note summarizes these observations. Reference should be made to the initial reports (1. 2. 3) for detailed descriptions of experimental conditions and methods.

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Author(s): W. B. Buckley, Robert E. Farmer, Jr.

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 25, Number 4 (1974)

Volume: 25

Number: 4