Root Rot in Seedlings Triggered by Wet Weather and Poor Drainage
The Forestry Section of the Delaware Department of Agriculture operates a 12-acre tree, nursery in Ellendale, Delaware which plants 3 to 4 acres of 1-and2-year old seedlings yearly. The spring of 1972 was marked by a higher monthly rainfall than in the past. This recess of water, plus a hardpan in the nursery beds, helped to produce Fusarium roseum - root rot fungus-in the 1-and 2- year old seedlings yearly. Soil samples were taken at different locations and sent to the University of Delaware College of "Agricultural Sciences. Plant Pathology Department, for verification of the fungus. Additional soil samples were also -sent to Rutgers (in New Jersey) to determine if there were any parasitic nematodes present. This test proved negative.
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Author(s): John M. Schwalm
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 24, Number 3 (1973)
Volume: 24
Number: 3