Dehusking Black Walnuts Controls Rodent Pilferage
Successful planting of black walnuts often depends upon adequate rodent control. I have found that an inexpensive method, assuring practically 100 percent control, is simply to remove all the husk material from the black walnut nuts before planting. In early May 1970, I removed 100 walnuts from stratification beds and rinsed the husk material from the nuts. Floatation was used to separate good and bad nuts. The cleaned nuts were planted 2 inches deep in two rows, spaced 6 inches within rows and 12 inches between rows. Another 50 nuts with husks were planted similarly.
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Author(s): Rodney R. Nielsen
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 24, Number 3 (1973)
Volume: 24
Number: 3