Diagnosing Mineral Deficiency By Foliar Fertilization
Nurserymen are often dismayed over unusual colorations and other abnormal characteristics of seedlings throughout the growing season. Most of these abnormalities disappear with time and don't seem to cause permanent damage. However, the nurseryman usually wants to know such things in order to prevent possible future problems. An abnormal plant part may be caused by disease, insect injury, extreme climatic conditions, chemical toxicity, mechanical injury, or mineral deficiency. In some cases, the direct cause of the plants' appearance may be secondary rather than primary. For instance, insect damage to the root system may 'restrict nitrogen uptake of the seedling and result in a chlorotic condition of the foliage. Fertilization of the seedling foliage with nitrogen would probably correct the chlorosis (thereby indicating a nitrogen deficiency) but would not reveal the primary problem of insect damage.
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Author(s): E.S. Lyle, Jr.
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 23, Number 1 (1972)
Volume: 23
Number: 1