CO2 Enriched Atmosphere Speeds Growth of Ponderosa Pine and Blue Spruce Seedlings
Photosynthesis in well-lighted and well-watered plants is frequently limited by atmospheric CO2 (Bolas and Henderson 1928; Decker 1947; Kramer and Kozlowski 1960; Thomas and Hill 1949). Since CO2 can be especially limiting in a closed greenhouse, many horticulturists routinely add it to their greenhouse atmospheres. Increases in fresh and dry weight yields of 30 to 100 percent have been reported for a wide variety of vegetable and floral crops (Hardh 1966) in atmospheres ranging from 500 to 3000 ppm CO2 (Hood 1966; Wittwer and Robb 1964). The optimum concentration, however, varies greatly with the species and the portion of the plant to be harvested Imazu, Yabuki, and Oda 1967; Lindstrom 1968; Titljanov, Stepanova, and Cesnokov 1967). There are cases where the beneficial effects of CO2 enrichment were still apparent months after the plants were removed from a high CO2 atmosphere Goldsberry 1963).
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Author(s): Richard W. Tinus
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 23, Number 1 (1972)
Volume: 23
Number: 1